SportU is the new, free social sports app, exclusively for women, that helps them find a sports buddy. The initiators offer locations in the app where they can safely practice fitness, Pilates, yoga, boxing, tennis or swimming. These locations pay SportU a fee, which is the revenue model of the app. SalesQ was asked to make contact with the sports providers and to make them enthusiastic. SportU CEO Joop Muller explains why he chose the SalesQ approach and what appeals to him about it. “They are next to and behind us.”

The launch of the SportU app on September 29, 2020 took place in a special place: the center spot of the Olympic Stadium in Amsterdam. According to the creators, it is the 'first and only social sports app for women'. The idea is that women use the app to get in touch with like-minded people in the neighbourhood, meet up and achieve sports goals together.

App removes obstacles to exercising

Muller explains that the app helps women overcome obstacles in their pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. Figures from Statistics Netherlands and RIVM show that less than half currently meet the Health Council's exercise guidelines. That means they don't even exercise two and a half hours a week. There are all kinds of reasons for this: too busy with work, family, high costs or simply no one around to go with you.

Faith can also be a reason for not wanting to exercise with men. Safety also plays an important role. In the fall and winter, the mere fact that it gets dark early can deter women from exercising. Muller: “I also know of research that shows that women sometimes already stand in the parking lot of the gym, but turn around, for example because they get an uncomfortable feeling from the men they see entering. Sometimes they don't dare to join a group, because they think that others are more trained or more agile.”

Safety comes first in the app. “The only men who are welcome in the app are sports instructors,” says Muller. The chat function allows women to feel whether there is a click. SportU checks every user profile in advance. If there is a match, the women can decide to meet and exercise together somewhere.

Initiators sought help in establishing contact with sports providers

The app is free for users, but the locations pay a small fee. On the other hand, SportU brings in new athletes. In addition, providers can draw attention to promotions in the app. To get them to join, SportU uses the phone. It is simply impossible to visit the thousands of sports clubs and gyms in our country personally. In addition, SportU wants to spread its wings to Germany in the future.

However, SportU soon discovered that approaching people by telephone is intensive and time-consuming work. And that convincing people really is a profession. Muller: “That's why we started looking for telemarketing companies that could help us. When I spoke to one of the candidates about our

plans abroad, they said that is not a problem, because they have someone in the house who speaks German. But having worked in a hotel in Austria myself, I know that this is really not enough. If you use the wrong cases, they really don't take you seriously. When they told SalesQ that they work with native speakers, the argument was almost settled.”

Professional working method is the deciding factor

Muller definitely went 'round' when he visited the SalesQ call center in Haarlem. “I sensed a professional atmosphere there. People are pleasant and collegial with each other, but they are focused on results. I also know organizations where the atmosphere is too relaxed, like being in a playground. That is not the case at SalesQ.”

Although it is difficult to judge the result of the collaboration so soon after the launch, Muller is enthusiastic about the way of working in advance. It appeals to him, for example, that SalesQ chooses to use women for the telephone work that is necessary to make the app a success for women. “They can put themselves in the shoes of the users better and when a woman calls, their story is more accepted. I have also called myself and then I am quickly asked why a man is calling, while it is an app for women.”

He also appreciates that SalesQ uses short lines of communication. “If there is something wrong, I always get in touch with the right person quickly.” Both parties work closely together in the development of the call script. “Those who call, still act on behalf of SportU. They must be able to identify with us in order to do that well. Together you look for the right tone, the right approach. You want to grab someone's attention right away, not have people impose again. At SalesQ they know exactly how to do that.”

SalesQ employees do more than just call

What strikes Muller is that the SalesQ employees are willing to do a lot. It is not just about cleaning and supplementing the supplied database. “We also hand out flyers to get more publicity. One of the SalesQ people has already been on the road with us to hand out bags with promotional material. So the approach is very personal. It really feels like they are part of our team. They stand next to us and behind us and try to get the most out of the collaboration.”

But the best recommendation, Muller says, comes from someone to whom he apologized. “This person is on the Do Not Call Registry and should not have received a call. That I called again with apologies, is in itself quite comical. What I was told was that the SalesQ employee had been so persuasive that she was allowed to send information material. "Although I didn't want to, I let myself be tempted," it sounded. “For me, such a statement confirms that we are in the right place with SalesQ.”

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