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Measures at SalesQ in connection with the coronavirus

The Coronavirus is now having an impact on everyone. Through this message we want to indicate how SalesQ deals with the current situation.


SalesQ recertification a fact: "With ISO you get to grips with every facet of the company"

Three years ago, SalesQ was one of the first telemarketing agencies in the Netherlands with ISO certification. After a successful recertification, we are also assured of ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 for the next three years.

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Sales do's and don'ts: a guide for agents

SalesQ's telemarketing specialists support companies in their lead generation, increase sales, increase customer satisfaction and more. How? By approaching every assignment as a team of top athletes. And that requires training and the right tips and tricks. We spoke to sales expert and team lead William Wolf about his experience in the telemarketing industry.

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Retentie management

Outsourcing customer service to SalesQ: A success story for Bureau ICE

Bureau ICE co-creates and develops products and services for education, government and other parties. They do this with great pleasure, energy and an open mind. For 30 years. Since 2014, Bureau ICE has been developing the IEP Final Test: one of the final tests that primary schools can choose for their group of 8 pupils. The final test approved by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. Four years ago, the IEP Final Test was taken by 250 schools in the Netherlands. Meanwhile, this number has grown to 2200 schools.

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How do you ensure a GDPR-proof customer base

How can you be sure that you are handling the customer base correctly and that it is GDPR-proof? As we enter the new year, now is the perfect time to reflect on that!

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B2B Customer development

Successfully passed ISO certification 27001 and 9001

Last week, SalesQ officially received the certificates for ISO certification 27001 (Information Security) and ISO 9001 (Quality Management). We had already successfully passed the audit in April and had proven that both SalesQ's information security processes and quality management have a solid, secure structure and are well organised.